We bought our first home 23 years ago, moving into it when we had 4 children. The age range of them was 4 years to 3 weeks. Four under four. Can you imagine? We also had 3 other people living with us most of the 20 years that we lived in that home.
Our family about a year after we moved in. |
Our family was growing as we kept adding to it. It was a life full of activity, crying, laughing, owies, arguing, games, skits, music, etc.
Eating breakfast outside |
The twins have a birthday. Do they care? Jordan enjoyed it though | . |
All the boys |
Dad's Birthday |
Notice how the boys' bow-ties match their sisters' dresses. I liked to do things like that. This is all eight of them. I had 8 children in 10 1/2 years. They don't look like they're not cared for.
One year, I had 7 all in school at the same time. Actually I thought all eight were in school for one year together, but maybe my memory serves me wrong. The picture is probably more accurate than my memory.
The first day of school. |
Our last family picture when we lived in that house.
And then we built our new house on the same piece of property. We've lived in it three years and have enjoyed it immensely. We have more room and a lovely yard. I even have my own nightstand and master bathroom. Such luxuries. We've all grown larger and are not living on top of one another.
We are having many good times inside and outside in our home.
Our oldest son even got married. I'm sure there are more weddings to come.
As of last Friday, our older home is sold. We divided the land and started the sale which was quite a long process.
Our oldest son bought it. They are now fixing it up with their siblings help (on both sides of the family) and getting ready to move in.
Nathaniel, Louise, Eloise |
Look how Daddy loves his little girl.
They spend most of their time at the hospital these days caring for Eloise and watching her grow, so they are getting lots of help on their house.
It'll be so wonderful to have them next door.
O give thanks unto the LORD, for He is good, for His mercy endureth for ever.
Psalm 136.1