Have you ever gone to a greengrocer. That reminds me of days of yore when one went to the bakery, the butcher, and the greengrocer. The milkman would bring your milk to you. That was actually before my time of remembrance. I remember grocery stores. But when I lived in Europe that was the way it was. Except we grew our vegetables.
In the village of Dumpling there is a greengrocer, Samuel Sprout.
He wears a tie with his apron
And has all kinds of produce.
Marrow (Do you know what that is?) Tomatoes
And even flowers.
Here's a bag ready to go with a leek and a cucumber.
This is a Jean Greenhowe design but knitted by me.
This is linked to
Esther's WOW and
WIP Wednesday. I know he's not really a work in progress, but he's so cute, I had to let you see him.