
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hawaiian Pineapple Quilt

I'm getting some of these older items done.  This one I started almost 1 1/2 years ago. It was low on the priority scale.  It isn't a gift or for a customer.  It was something I was doing for fun.

 It's the kind of thing I could do when I needed to space out on applique - hand sewing without much brain power.  But I also knit to do that same thing and knitting has taken over.

But now it's finally finished and I really like it.  It's not king size or queen size.  Maybe it's a good lawn quilt.  It is over 6' square.
The Hawaiian symbol of pineapple stands for hospitality.


  1. That's gorgeous! I started a Hawaiian applique quilt some time ago, but it looked wrong, somehow. I may have to put one back on my "gotta do" list.


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