
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Isabella's Sweater

After I made Eloise's, I had enough yarn of another color and and thought I'd give Eloise's friend a sweater to match (or almost) Eloise.


I think I did have one less skein because I wasn't able to do the pockets and only 2 flowers, so her flowers are arranged differently and I decided to go with brighter buttons.

My pics these days are with my I-phone as my camera quit on me, so it's a little harder to get good pics. But you can see the button.  Pretty cute.

 The girls were at school when I tried the sweater on Izzie, so I got a picture of Eloise with her.  What a look on her face.


  1. Oh my! How adorable can you get? They're both little model pros! lol

  2. Gorgeous sweater and perfectly darling models!

  3. very cute. And the photos from your phone are fine!

  4. You've outdone yourself again! Thank you so much for the Isabella's prize.

  5. Another beautiful sweater and perfect little models! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday


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