
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Old Barn

This barn doesn't exist anymore. It is blown down and gone. But it was always a favorite place when I was a child. We used to play upstairs among the bales of hay and make houses, or hunt for the brand-new kittens that the mama would hide. There used to be old church pews hidden under the hay.
When I was in high school, I made a houseplan of the barn. Each of my 20 children have their own bedroom and shared a bath with one other sibling and a sitting room. There was also a family room upstairs besides all those bedrooms. Downstairs had all the normal rooms plus a library, plus a sewing room and a workshop, and a swimming pool! All the rooms were large also. The kitchen was in the cows milk stall.

The farm is moving along.  I'm testing sizes for animals.  Maybe they should be a bit smaller.

It's been fun to re-create my farm.


  1. It's coming along beautifully. Thanks for sharing the process with us. Personally, I don't think the animals need to be in scale - you're not trying to make a photographic reproduction so whatever size pleases the eye is best.

  2. Just make sure you make the cows Jerseys, not Holsteins. And we had a Black Angus once too!

  3. This will be a wonderful memory quilt.

  4. what a great idea - 20 children? LOL your 8 sounds like a nice number.

  5. You have such sweet memories. I love your barn both sewn and imagined.

  6. What a neat memory quilt and my gosh......20 children!! You wouldn't have time to quilt! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  7. Oh I love this quilt and idea! especially the bright red barn. Good luck with the animal sizing, getting the right scale always seems difficult.

  8. What a beautiful project! And such nice memories to go along with it :)


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