
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Shirt Quilt

Remember the Blue Jeans Quilt?  And then the T-Shirt Quilt?  I am now making a shirt quilt for this same woman.  She's giving them to the children as memories of her departed husband.
I go a good start on this one yesterday..  I cut the shirts.  I didn't need much from each one.

 Here they are all stacked ready to go.

The strips sewn together to make squares.  It 's a rail fence quilt. (is that what it's called?)

That was a good afternoon's work.  Now I'll put it aside for a few days and work on my Heart's Desire.  I need to catch up to Bunny.  I'm way behind Pat so I won't even try to catch her.

WIPs on Wednesdays

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea for a memory quilt. My mum gave all my dad's clothes to a goodwill shop and all his handknit jumpers to the Salvation Army.


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