
Sunday, September 5, 2010

It's So Good To Be Home

We had a great vacation visiting relatives and seeing new sights. But it's so good to come home to our life around us.  That is, the people we are building every day with.  Also our vocations, the different jobs that we have and do everyday that make our lives wonderful.  For me, personally, that is cooking meals again, doing laundry, keeping an orderly home, working with my girls at our business, etc, etc. etc.  Right now, that seems very restful to me. Maybe, because we did so much driving on our vacation?  Glad to be home.


  1. I'm glad you're home too, Elaine - although it did sort of feel like we were with you everyday in a small sort of way. Thanks for sharing your vacation with us!

  2. There is indeed no place like home! Love that shot of your house.

  3. thank you for visiting my blog, elaine. i'm enjoying my visit to yours! your porch is beautiful - so welcoming. there really is no place like home. :o)



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