
Monday, September 6, 2010

Getting Back into the Swing

I decided I was away from my quilting machine long enough, so I jumped right back into it.  I put Eva's quilt on with the water soluble thread to quilt around the trapunto.  I had basted the batting to the quilt top (I don't like wasting a lot of  batting, so it's cut to fit) and pinned it all onto my machine.  It almost scared me to start it up, it's been so long, but once I got going it just flowed.  The vacation must have relaxed me, because to do a good job quilting one must be relaxed.
Eva's wedding is less than 2 weeks away, so I know it won't be done for that, but maybe I can have it done for when they're back from their honeymoon. We'll have to see how it goes. I got a good start on the cutting also.

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