
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

More New Knits to End the Year

Meet Asher.  He is 3 1/2 years old and a real twinkler.  This is a nice boyish hoody that I knitted for him.  I used different washable wools.

It was a very easy knit with nice colors

This is Gideon.  He'll be 2 this coming month.
This sweater had a little bit of a challenge with the bottom band.  

The pattern is from OGE which has many cute baby patterns.

This is June who is also 3 1/2.  She has a very cute sweater with some texture to it.  It makes for not boring knitting.

It has a nice cable weave in it on the shoulders.

This is Melanie who is 2. She is totally girl who likes to wear dresses.

And this is Gideon's Mom.  I knitted her a vest.  It looks pretty nice for an adult sweater.

All of these can be seen for more detail on my Ravelry site

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