
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Granddaughters Sweaters

I do like knitting sweaters for my grandchildren.  Sometimes the mom's send me pictures of what they want.  There are patterns with some.  Some I have to improvise.  This one had a pattern.  Mom liked one that was on pinterest that was variant from the pattern.  The pattern has a collar and 4 buttons, but she likes the one without the collar.  It is very cute.

On this sweater I used a pattern, mainly for sizing and technique (the armholes).  Instead of the pattern that is used in the sweater I simplified it and used all garter stitch.  It also turned out very cute.

I used knitpicks cotton blends on both of these sweaters.  I love the feel and lay of their cotton yarns.  The price is also right.  

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