
Monday, May 8, 2017

Dear Jane Keeps Moving On

I've now finished on rows A,B,C, blocks 7,8,9 

Shown below are the blocks that I considered the most difficult.  Most of the blocks are paper pieced and these had a lot of little pieces.

Things aren't turning out super perfect but this is just for me and I like having fun doing it.  I get a little bit fussy but not too fussy.

This is everything I have done so far.  It's rather nice  that I post my projects.  I put the pic of this one on and saw that I had sewn the last section on wrong.  So rip, rip, rip and sew again.  Now it is fine.

1 comment:

  1. YOur blocks are coming along nicely. When I started sewing all my rows together on my first DJ top, I sewed row B in backwards and wondered why row C had the one block I had fussy cut, upside down. And them I realized that I had forgotten to add the sashing strip to one block that already had white strips around it. So I put it away for a few months but eventually completed the top. It is still waiting to be quilted. One of these days.


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