
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Babies with Their Gifts

I've blogged about these knitted items already, but now the babies fit them and I am showing you my cute grandbabies wearing the item I made them.
This is an older picture of June.  The sweater and booties are newborn size.  She is probably outgrown them now.  Isn't she sweet.

Here's Asher in a romper I made him.  This pic is very recent.

And also the sweater that goes with it.  He is 4 months old.

And then the youongest is Natalie.
She is still pretty sleepified but is waking up more and more.

These can all be found in my Ravelry and past posts on this blog.


  1. You are a very lucky and blessed grandmother! So much sweetness!! And all those tiny knits are just adorable - isn't knitting for tiny people just magical?!

  2. Armfuls of love, in beautiful handknits. Congratulations on your grandbabies!

  3. Can you be my childrens' grandmother?!?! ;-) I am getting better at knitting but I am still very, very slow and on the very, very simple projects and I *still* think my children will be grown before they can make use of the things I knit them. :-(

    Your grandbabies are all precious and their knits are so precious too. I love the colors you chose- muted and peaceful (quite unlike some of the things put out for children) and I ADORE Asher's little outfit. I just love the classic look on boys. Too rare these days.

    Well done!!! There is a lot to be proud of in these photos, if you know what I mean.

  4. Such precious little ones! You are blessed. And their knits show your love - all so sweet.

  5. Oh, so beautiful!! Sweet precious babies in adorable hand knits - that's about as good as it gets!! Thanks for sharing :)

  6. Wonderful pictures and I love that little jumper that Natalie is wearing, though the other outfits are great too!


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