
Monday, March 17, 2014

A Cloud of White

It's been quite a while since I talked about this quilt that I'm making for some friends that got married this past summer.  My last post was in February.
Since then, I put a thick polyester batting and the muslin top onto my quilting frame and quilted with a water soluble thread the outline of everything I wanted to cut out.  That went very quickly.

Now I am cutting.  I use very small and very sharp scissors for that.  Once in a while I do snip the fabric, but that is what you don't want to do. This is a nice sit-down project for quiet afternoons.
You can see the same section here cut that was uncut above.

These quilts are probably the kind that I enjoy the most.  I am not a great piecer.

 So when I get a half hour or so, I will sit again with my scissors and keep cutting.  Then I'll be ready to start the real quilting.

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