
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A Chili Supper

This is a family favorite of ours.  In fact, it has gone beyond our family to being served at weddings and other grand occasions.  It's great for those winter evenings when you just want something comfy and warm.

I started making this chili as a girl learning from my mother. It became my favorite food and I must say, it is still up there as a hit for me. 
 Over the years there have been some changes made to it, the biggest being that I use ground turkey  instead of ground beef.  We like the milder flavor of the turkey better.  More flavor for beans.
My dad used to tease me by trying to put green peppers into my chili.  I do NOT like green peppers and he did. So therefore I don't use green peppers, but if you like them, give them a try. 
I make a big pot of chili.  We are a large family.

You can start it early in the day, or later on. It should have at least an hour  to simmer.  It is pretty simple to put together.
In our family there are also many ways of eating it.  Some put coleslaw on top.

 Others are more extreme. Starting with a piece of cornbread,

 you put the coleslaw on top of that.

 Then you mound the chili on.

 And it is quite a mound.  A large man sized portion.

 And me?  I like to keep things separate.  Why ruin the taste of chili with all that added stuff?  I do like some tobasco on it though.

And now for the recipe.  I don't measure, so the seasonings especially are rough amounts.  Just go by taste.  That way you'll like it.  Serves 8-10

2 1/2 lbs ground turkey
1 large onion, diced
3 stalks celery, diced
2 c. mushrooms, sliced
1/2 T. minced garlic
1/2 T each  chili powder
                   seasoned salt
1 tsp.  red pepper 
1-46 oz can tomato juice
1-2  14 oz cans diced tomatoes (it depends on how much you like tomatoes)
4-15 oz cans kidney beans  (this can also be adjusted to taste)
2- 6 oz cans tomato paste
Brown the turkey with the vegetables til the vegies are cooked and the turkey is brown.  Add the seasonings while they are cooking.
After you've worn out your hand opening all those cans, and the meat is cooked, add the juice, tomatoes, paste, and beans. Bring it to a boil, and then put it on a low simmer until you are ready to serve it.
We serve this with a cheesey, corny cornbread and coleslaw.  Yum!!!


  1. I've had some of your chili at one or two "grand occasions" myself, and I must say, it IS grand. :) Thanks for sharing the recipe Elaine!

  2. Funny. I just took meat out of the freezer to make chili. Your recipe sounds great and will try it for a change. Sometimes I add a small can of corn and a handful of elbow macaroni. Chili is our favorite.

  3. Your chili looks yummy and I never thought of putting coleslaw in it! I'm like you......NO green peppers! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  4. Love chili...but prefer to keep it all seperate. Thanks for rejuvinating this yummy, warm recipe at Tuesday Archives this week.


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