
Monday, October 17, 2011

The Wedding Quilt Completed

Here it is with the help of 2 of my sons to hold it up and one to take pictures with his iphone4S.  He was telling me his pics would be better than my camera and he can just tell his phone to send them to me.  They are very good pictures.
You can hardly see how on  the sides the white is a little shorter than the black.  I had to use a bias binding for the ins and outs.  The quilting was much fun.  I used my curved rulers on the squares and  a spray bottle cap for the center circles of the whites.  The rest was all freehand.

 And the backside.  It seems it could be reversible and used as a whole cloth if they would like.

 A close up.

Now I just need the label and it can be given to the young couple.

A quote for the day.

"In vocation, God is hidden
even in the mundane activities
of our everyday lives.
And this is his glory."

Gene Edward Veith

This post is linked to Skip to My Lou 
and  to Esther's WOW .


  1. Elaine, that is absolutely beautiful. I love all
    the detail quilting in each square. Both sides look beautiful. Kathi

  2. Oh!! This is absolutely stunning. You can really see the shorter whites on the reverse shot, and yes, it sure would make a terrific whole-cloth double side. I'm enormously impressed. :)

  3. Wow, what a lucky couple to receive this as a gift. I hope they know the true value of it. Your work is stunning!

  4. So intricately beautiful! And thank you for the quote of the day - how encouraging. Crystal

  5. Absolutely GORGEOUS! Well worth all the time you spent on it.

  6. Just gorgeous quilting. Do you have a long arm quilt frame and machine?

  7. Wow! That is fabulous! I envy your quilting ability!

    I love that quote - thanks for sharing!

  8. Stunningly beautiful, which is the front!!!!!! love it as a whole white cloth too. Cheers


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