
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Improper rewards

My children suddenly discovered, while still in Maryland, that the ProFootball Hall of Fame is relatively near to their grandpa's house (their mother mentioned this to them during a football game).  Immediate excitement came upon them.  They even got their older brother (who isn't with us) a little jealous as he asked them "Why did we never do this in past trips to Ohio?"
Their grandpa is a good grandpa.  He had work that needs to get done.  He said "You want to go to Canton? OK, first their is a wall that needs painted and I need a lot of applesauce made. Then you may go."
One son got up early and did the painting. 
About 9 a.m., Grandpa rolled the other boys out of bed and started them on breakfast.  At about the same time the girls showed up from Uncle Phil's.
They got the applesauce cooking.  The apples were already picked (mostly off the ground).
They got almost 8 gallons of applesauce made and it was the most delicious that I have ever tasted.

Then the children got their reward.  You can experience it on the girl's blog.


  1. Such industrious people! Tell them there's a couple more things they can help with when they get home! :-)

  2. I am sure glad they got to help. that was my job last year!

  3. That applesauce had to be the most delicious you ever tasted because it had secret special ingredients: your dad's apples, your children's labor and your joy in the love of your family. If the freshly painted wall could talk, it would give you the same message. These are life's special gifts, aren't they?

    P.S. I have your Provençal fabric--a meter of black background with tiny white figures and a half-meter of charcoal background with tiny figures in shades of orange and beige. I hope you can use them.



  4. Oh! Homemade applesauce! My mom and I were just talking about making some this fall. If there are any special tips (besides the love, like Billie said) please tell. Your family looks like they are having such a grand time (finding ways to give always makes for a funner trip too).
    Bless you Elaine, I miss all you guys!


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