
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Check out this movie.  It's great for longarm quilters and their customers.


  1. Hi Elaine,

    Robin and I both loved seeing your photos and reading your remarks about your grandparents, your childhood home and what it means to you, and your delight in knowing that it is now your brother's so you can visit and show it to your husband and children. Surely a part of you will always be connected to Ohio soil!

    As for the barn, even falling apart it brings back such wonderful adventures. I do remember playing in the barn of friends of my parents when I was so small--the excitement of climbing up into the hay, peeking down from secret hiding places, savoring the sounds and special smells of the animals. Too bad that your barn is saying adieu, but you do have the pictures to remind everyone that it really did exist!

    You know that Rob rarely shows particular emotion about anything these days, but for your photos and comments he was very moved. Perhaps because he has just returned from revisiting his old home site in North Vancouver, and experiencing the reality of how important the idea of "home" is to each of us. What would be the equivalent for Chris and Dunc? Probably Fort Warden, but possibly our Moore Street house as well. Different, indeed, from your "home," which includes generations of family members who played key roles in the community in their times, but still important.

    Keep posting your "journal" on your blog. It's so much fun to make the trip vicariously with all of you!

    Give our love to all the young ones, and keep lots for you and for our special, much-loved first born son.


    Robin and Billie


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