
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Baby Blankets

I'm trying to make baby receiving blankets today. When my children were babies I made them all the time and really liked them. So... I thought maybe I could sell them on our Etsy site or off of our porch. We hope to do a spring fair this May which we are also stocking up for.
But I need help with the minkie. It stretches so much when I sew, I can't make it come out right. Maybe some one has some tips for me.
By the way, I am making some for boys also. I guess I just tend to lean toward fabric for girls.

1 comment:

  1. The baby blankets are really sweet, I love the bright colours. Your porch shop is so fun. What a neat way to have your business at home.
    Thanks for visiting my blog with such a nice comment.


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