
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Little Toys

This is a whole slew of toys that I have knitted and crocheted over the last few months.  
 The first two are prizes that I sent to new great nieces of mine.  They are from Little Cotton Rabbits, a favorite site that I buy patterns from.

A granddaughter wanted a purple angel.  So I made it for her.

Here she is.

Another little cotton rabbit fox.

This is a Jean Greenhowe pattern.  It's called a topsy-turvey doll.  This is for my oldest granddaughter.  My grandchildren love going through my books and telling me what they want me to knit.

See the topsy turvy.

Now some prizes for my teaching daughters.

Some grandchildren claimed these before I could give them to the teachers.

My newest grandson wanted a lion.  It's amazing how a week old baby can have opinions.

I won't give this away yet.  I want to use the lion and this pig for basic patterns for more animals that I crochet.

The links to these patterns can be found on my Ravelry site.

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