
Wednesday, May 9, 2018

My Quilt Progress

This is a quilt I started in January.  It's not very large but it's a low priority quilt.  It has applique and piecing. The applique is nice for those weekends my husband and I go away or just sitting around listening to him read to me.  It has been slow and has a few problems.
It is a copy of Emma's Courtyard by Jo Morton with some changes.  The applique is quite different. 
My center squares ended up being a little different sized than what I had originally planned.  The outer border then didn't turn out quite the right size as I started it before I realized that I would have to cut down the center squares. So I will cut some off of each end if it.  It should work.

This is another applique border that is just getting started.  I had to make sure how the others would fit before I started it, but we were going away so I needed some applique to work on.

This was our view when we went away.  Isn't it beautiful? 


  1. Beautiful view for sure! We would like to go with you next time!

  2. Glad you managed to get away to such a beautiful spot Elaine and hope you managed to sit out there on the chairs and do some applqiue or was it to cold to sit out side?????? Cheers Glenda


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