
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Asher's Quilt Gets a Start

My grandson likes moose, bears and woodland animals.  I don't really know if he knows that yet.  He really likes the giraffe in his bed.  We just won't tell him that a giraffe belongs in the jungle.
So wit hthe help of his mom picking out fabrics, I am making him a woodland quilt.
I started by strip piecing.  Then I realized I didn't like the order of the squares.  The large moosehead was right under the bear and that didn't look good.  So I ripped and basically am single piecing them now.  It's working fine.

My sister Bev  just came to visit.  Here is Asher in her arms.

In fact, my sons each got a picture of their baby in their arms.  There are my 3 new grandchildren that I received in the past 3 months.

 Chris and Asher

Jordan and June

Nathaniel and Natalie

What a blessed Grandmother I am. 


  1. What a beautiful trio of grand-babies - congratulations!

  2. A triple play! Congratulations grandma!!


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