
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Knitted Baby Blanket

Years and years ago I used to crochet and knit afghans.  My mom knitted afghans all the time and that's probably where I got that from.  My first one I knitted in high school.  I still have it. Now I'm a quilter and I knit toys and sweaters, not blankets.
But I felt an urge to do a blanket so I made this baby blanket.  I don't think I'm ready to do a large one yet.

 I really liked the look of this and I had the yarn on hand.

 You work on this diagonally so each row gets longer on the first half and then shorter on the second half.  I made it larger than the pattern, because I wanted to use all my yarn.  When I had 2 skeins used up, I started doing the shorter rows.  It worked great.  I only have a bit left over.

Here is my Ravelry link and from there you can get the free pattern.


  1. What a pretty blue! This is a nice pattern with those peekaboo diagonals - no wonder you wanted to do it up. :)

  2. Nice blanket! My mom knitted afghans and I got none of that from her, All the skill went to you.


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