
Monday, November 23, 2015

Arrow Quilt- A New Beginning

I'm on my way to another baby quilt. Baby quilts are small and therefore they are rather easy to do.  It doesn't take a long time to get them finished.  This one is arrows.
I'm not a natural paper piecer, but this one seemed like it would work well doing that, so here goes.
I made my pattern on newsprint.

Here is one half of an arrow strip sewn together.

The backside.  I could have cut my fabric a little larger.  When cutting I was thinking more like normal sewing rather than the fact that I could cut with a little extra room especially as it is hard to get things to line up perfectly.

This is one arrow finished.  There will be 3 more to put together.  That's not too hard, is it?


  1. That's a pattern I want to try sometime soon. Your arrow looks great.

  2. Your arrow looks great, and yay for you for making your own paper piecing pattern! I like making baby quilts too - there's something so satisfying about a quick finish. :) Thanks for linking to MCM!


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