
Friday, August 2, 2013

My New Life (with a Splinted Foot)

I had my foot surgery Wednesday, so now I'm looking forward to a lot of reading, knitting, and applique.
 I don't think I'll be cooking, cleaning, weeding or doing laundry for a while. My oldest daughter is taking on a lot besides ice packs, running for whatever I want, plus getting ready for her next school year of  teaching.  

How about this foot? 

 My little nurse, Eloise.  She's reading to me, but mostly I read to her.

 It's not enough to sit beside Grandma, so let's just sit with her.  There's Clara also.

Some conversations with 2 year olds are very cute.  You must remember that Clara is brand new so Eloise has experience in hospitals.

Eloise:       Where's Grammas  bed?
Aunt Vic:   Upstairs-Why?
Eloise:        I mean in the hospital...
Aunt Vic:    Here's a picture
Eloise:        What are those back there?
Aunt Vic:    They are tables to hold food and drinks
Eloise:         Oh...
The picture is put away and then there is a pause
Eloise:          Are you gonna have a new baby sister?

This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.
It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:21-23



  1. Bless you Elaine! Let us know how we can help. That's one of my favorite scriptures. And yes, two-year-olds are a lot of fun to talk with.

  2. You have such a cute nurse! Prayers being said for a speedy recovery.

  3. Hopefully those sweet granddaughters will help you recover quickly :-) Bless you Elaine. Your family is quite a gift to us!

  4. Ha ha , That is the best kid-talk ever!
    I hope you will get better soon!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com

  5. Whoop whoop for your young nurses - it looks like you will be having a fun time!


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