
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Baby All-in-One

I haven't shown you any knitting in quite a while.  But I have been doing quite a lot.  Most have been items I've done before for customers.  This one is one I finished a while back, but it took a while before I added buttons and then got pictures of it.

 Dion is wearing this.  He is a 2 month baby wearing 3-6 month clothing.  The outfit is supposed to be that size also, but he seems almost out if it around his body, but the arms and legs are plenty long.

 You'll notice that it's a plaid.  That means running 3 colors of yarn at the same time and keeping them woven into the back without pulling too hard and also keeping them untangled.  It is a challenge.
 It makes the going slower, so patience is needed and concentration.  If there is a little color mistake, ripping out is necessary.

 I had bought the yarn for this project several years ago.  The pattern is a Debbie Bliss and the yarn is a cotton from Pisgah Yarn Co. called honeysuckle cotton.  The company doesn't make this yarn anymore, so I just need to use up what I have and move on.


  1. Wow Elaine that is beautiful. Sigh. I think I better stick to my basic "ripple" crocheting at this point in my life. Just reading your notes about how you made that one sounds overwhelming to me :-)

  2. That is amazingly beautiful, Elaine.

  3. I can hardly imagine sewing that, let alone knitting it. Beautiful!

  4. That is amazing! Where do I place my order for a purple & cream one for Violet. :-) As always, your work is lovely & bringing glory to God!

  5. That is really lovely, Elaine. Well done you!


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