
Friday, August 31, 2012


 We left the beautiful Burgundy wine country and headed toward Provence.  On the way we made a stop at Orange to see the Roman ampitheatre there.

 We then went to visit the hilltop villages in the Luberon area.  They are cute with skinny roads.  I was driving with lots of help - from those inside the car and outside the car.

The villages are lovely to look at.  The countryside is rugged which lends itself to the look of the villages.

 We stayed in the village of Ansuis, which is one of the smaller hilltop villages in a bed and breakfast there.  We had to park outside the wall and walk up to our room.  It wasn't far but it was a climb.  This picture is the bathroom in my room.

 We also went to a small market in one of the villages.  The fabrics are one big reason I wanted to go to Provence.  And I did buy some.

 We left Ansuis to go to Arles.  There is also an ampitheatre there

 and also a cafe that Van Gogh did a painting of.  We did eat one evening at that restaurant.

We also ate in our room for dinner one evening.

We also went to the Mediterranean and stuck our feet in the water.

And we went to the Pont du Gard.  That is an impressive Roman aqueduct.

There was also the larger market in Arles.  Amazing all the people, smells, and things for sale.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Lovely, Elaine! I love pictures of the little hilltop villages & I have always thought that the Romans were very amazing builders. Glad that you are having fun.

  2. All that history is just amazing! I've recently taught a history class on the aqueducts. Would love to see them in person.


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