
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Heidelberg and Strasbourg

After 2 lovely days with the Fellmann's, we drove to Strasbourg with a quick stop at Heidelberg.  I wanted to show the girls the lovely view of the old castle.  It seemed I could remember one from the freeway.  So could Bille (my mother-in-law).  But we couldn't find it, so we drove right into he old city and had this view.

They also had a Lutheran Church in the old city.   These curches were built during the Holy Roman Empire, but as Germany became more Lutheran, they became Lutheran.

In Strasbourg, we are staying in this lovely little hotel in the old city near the cathedral.  We walked by the river, ate Tarte Flambee at a nice cafe, and watched the light show on the cathedral.  We also went window shopping as today is Sunday and the stores are not open.

This evening we are going to take one of those boat rides on the river.


  1. I am enjoying sharing this trip with you. My time in Germany was too brief and controlled by the tour company.

  2. Yes, I am really enjoying it, too - especially as we will take our high-schooler to Germany next summer and don't have any itinerary planned yet. :) Thanks for the ideas!

  3. Looks likeyou are having a glorious holiday. Your photos are wonderful!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie


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