
Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Winter Supper

Soup simmering on the stove all day.

 made from this recipe, 37 years old, hand written out of a newspaper.

You can tell it's well used.

And a loaf of banana bread to go with it.

This recipe is also old (but not as old) out of this book.

It's crispy on the edges and moist, not crumbly, on the inside.  I changed it by not adding the orange peel and putting vanilla in instead.  If you don't have, you substitute.  It was delicious.

And the soup ready to eat.  Yum!!!

He richly and daily provides me with all that I need to support this body and life.
Martin Luther in his Small Catechism

1 comment:

  1. This looks absolutely delicious! You've presented it in a nostalgic, charming way!

    Mrs. White
    Vermont Sewing Cottage


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