
Monday, July 11, 2011

30 Years Ago Today

My husband Chris and I were married.

 Here we are having cake.  Because we looked at each other and not at the cake, we were to have seven years of bliss.  It's been 30 years and they haven't always been easy, but they have been very good years. I wouldn't trade them in for anything else.
The quilt in back of us is one the women in the church made for us.  They each embroidered a square. 

Here we are now.

Our friend Sherrie wrote a song and sang it at our wedding.  She also came over last evening and sang it for us again.  It was wonderful.  Here it is.


Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!
Ps 107: 21


  1. Happy anniversary! We love you!

  2. Congratulations to the both of you.

  3. Happy anniversary! Sherrie's songs are always so building and that one is very special!

  4. Happy anniversary! Kudos to you for keeping it going! Here's to another 30. :D

  5. God's miracle of the two becoming one...happy anniversary you two!

  6. Happy anniversary - may God bless you with thirty more years.

  7. Happy Anniversary Elaine. I am glad that we got to spend a few good memorable years being your neighbors and that now we are lifelong friends.

    (Hey, this year we're hitting your half-way point, fifteen years!)

  8. Happy Anniversary. I'm very thankful for you, mom and dad!


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