
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Part 2 of My Newest Knitting Project

Part one is here.   This is part 2.  They go together.  Can you figure it out?

I have a granddaughter.  I'm now starting to buy toys.  Playmobil.  I raised all our children on Playmobil.  This is the 1-2-3 Playmobil.  I don't have much of them.  So watch out Ebay.
I think she is enjoying them.  She put just about every piece in her mouth testing them.

I  think she likes her new toys (that stay at Grandma's house).


  1. I think that is the border to a new shawl!
    I raised my kids on Playmobil too! My girls' favorite toys for years. I couldn't get rid of them.

  2. I think it's a shawl too.

    My grandson seems to like the toys at our house best too! I bought a set of stacking cups for a few dollars - they are well loved!


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