
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Was Joe and Grace's quilt really finished?

 NO!  Every quilt must have a label so that it may go down in posterity.  50 years from now, no one might know who made it, where, when, or for what occasion.  You never know,  I may be famous some day.

This label was embroidered by Pam, a friend of mine.  I  think she did a great job.

I've been sitting by this little stream  today in my backyard.  It's the closest I like to come to camping.  The sound of the water is so peaceful.

 I'm also on guard for a heron that comes and eats the fish out of our pond.  He came by while I was sitting, but stayed high up in the tree.  He was probably waiting for me to leave.
He's beautiful to look at but deadly to our babies.

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