
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hawaii and Lamb

I thought I'd show you this quilt that I've been working on for months. It is an Hawaiian trumpet flower quilt. And I am handquilting it. It's probably the last quilt that I'll ever do by hand - maybe. The white fabric is a Hawaiian fabric that has been painted on.You can see the fabric better in this picture. It does not work in my machine well. In fact it is very difficult to quilt by hand also. But it is beautiful fabric. Maybe I'll have to think of other uses for it, so I can keep buying it. I love making Hawaiian quilts.

This is a little lamb I knitted up the other day. It is small enough to fit in a toddler's pocket. I might try to make a mother for it - maybe a whole family.

1 comment:

  1. Hi I,m cottonreel, I,m a p/quilter I have done Hawiian the traditional way but only 4 blocks at a time as a lap quilt, yours looks very interesting and a lot of work . I have just joined you as a follower. Take a look at my blog if you have time,
    I,ll be back to see how you are getting on, your Larry the lamb is cute


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