
Friday, March 27, 2015

An Addition to a Wedding Quilt

This is a quilt I made a few years ago for some friends that were getting married.  They now added height to their bed and wanted the sides longer.

So this is what I did for them
I cut two long strips of fabric that I quilted.

 This is a pic of the backside before I washed the blue marker out.

I bound the bottom edge and added to the sides as it was a little short and laid them under the binding of the original quilt and sewed on the binding line.

 I'd say it came out pretty well.  The whites are slightly different colors, but it still works.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

My New Beach Bag

My daughter made a beautiful beach bag out of an Amy Butler pattern.  I decided I had to make one like it. At first, I thought maybe it would be too big, but I tried hers over my shoulder and thought that it would work fine. I did make changes from the original pattern.  For instance, adding vinyl handles instead of extending the fabric.  It makes a neater look.

 I added piping around some of the seams.

 This bag has side pockets.  One for a water bottle, the other for sunscreen.  

 I did the lining with oilcloth to protect all my goods.  I have 2 large zipper pockets inside.  One is for my Ipad and a book.  The other is for wallet, keys, etc.

 I made 2 smaller bags to keep inside my larger bag.  This is my knitting bag.  This is also an Amy butler pattern out of the same book (Amy Butler's Style Stitches).  I just added a zipper to the top instead of straps.

 I have an open pocket on the inside of this one.  It's a place for knitting needles and a pair of small scissors.

 I also made a sack to keep some snacks in for the beach.  I'm not real happy with this one.  I made the pattern myself, but we'll see it it works.  It's awkward looking and may not be large enough.

It's also large enough to put my camera in,which already has a zippered fabric case, my towel, and whatever else I may need.  I can't wait to try it out.

Monday, March 23, 2015

A New Wholecloth Quilt Starting

I love doing wholecloth quilts.  They probably are my favorite quilts.  With a longarm and so many design ideas out there, it makes it quite fun.  I am now in the design process of one.
I am drawing just 1/8th of the pattern as it will be repeated all the way around.

This will be a king size quilt.  Below is the small drawing depicting ideas for the quilt.

 I get my ideas mostly from a Karen McTavish book on wholecloth quilting and others are from pictures that I have pinned.  The 3 berries is an idea from my daughter.  I don't know that there is anything original in the design.  The originality is the way they are all put together.

 This is center flower. The next process is drawing the whole thing onto the fabric.  I like the idea of having separate pieces.  It makes it easier to draw on the huge fabric.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Benjamin's Quilt

Benjamin's quilt top is put together and ready to be quilted.  He likes to play cowboy.  His older brother will teach him that.  Maybe even his older sisters will also.

 I fused all the applique and sewed them on with a zig-zag stitch.

 The yarn for the boots is couched on.

My husband has been working on the Dawn Treader.  He has some young helpers.

 Are they really helping? Or are they playing?  Hmmm....... We also have Maid Marion and Edmund.  I think we're getting our stories mixed.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Nancy's Quilt

This quilt was a group effort.  It was an exchange of flower and butterfly blocks.  She even marked everyone's initials on the blocks so that she would remember who had done which ones.

 I quilted feathers in the white border blocks.

 I did a mixture of feathers, pebbles, and twirls in the center.

 And then I went through and added to the appliques.  Veins to the leaves, etc.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Love Entwined Part 9

These 2 borders took a long time for me to get done.  When I was just about finished with them and laid them next to the center piece, I discovered a crucial error.  I had printed the pattern TOO small!!OHHhhh!!!!  What was I to do next!  All that work.

 I decided not to frog the project and not to start these all over again.  I did remove the borders and place them as they are supposed to go.  I figure the center can just look a little smaller.  Maybe I'll add a design element on the ends if there seems to be too much space when it's all put together.

 Mine is all needleturn applique.  Some pieces get very small and are quite a challenge.
Or they have lots of ins and outs.

 It's amazing how it looks when it all comes together.  Check out Esther's blog for more on this quilt that she and others are doing.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

It Was a Sweater for Me

This sweater took a long time to knit.  I was knitting it for me and therefore was low on the priority list.  I thought the sizes on it seemed not quite right.  They ran  (4/6)(10/12)and (16/18).  Where was the 14?  With my measurements, I needed that middle size that wasn't there.  I tend to have to reduce my needle size to get the right gauge and then sometimes it is still work, so I went with the 10/12 figuring that I might knit a little large anyways.   But it was just a little too small.  It could work, but not comfortably.

 So I have a friend trying it on for me and I will put it in our shop to sell.
I really like the fact that it has beads.  It's the first time that I've put beads on any thing. Although I  think I'd go a little smaller next time.

 This was a very difficult pattern to knit.  It took a constant following of the chart, especially on the front, where even the purl rows had cables to make.

 You can check it out on my Ravelry.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Panda Bears and Foxes

In between the bigger knits, I keep crocheting small things.  I do have bigger things to show, but haven't gotten pics yet. 
                                                                Here is Freddie the Fox.

 The children really like him.  He has a nice large tail.


 And this is  I guess I don't have a name for him yet.

 Here you can see his tail.

These are all free pattern found on this site.   She has many more also, all very cute.  Check it out.

Monday, March 2, 2015

What Little Boys Don't Like Cowboys?

I bet babies like cowboys also, or they will when they have big brothers that like them.  So this is a cowboy quilt for a new baby.
 I furst made all the alternating blocks.  This was a little tricky as they are rectangles and not squares.  I cut the top border pieces to narrow not thinking and had to recut those.

But I got all the squares put together and started laying out ideas for applique on the other squares.

 Auditioning fabrics for those appliques. 

 Now it's time to go to work on that end of things.